Monday, December 27, 2010

How to lose the job

I'm hiring for someone to assist me in my business, doing the website, photo editing and things like that. I know that I'm offering a low rate for tech work but it's menial, entry level work so I'm offering an entry level wage. The following is an exchange with an applicant that I will title, "How to assure that you'll never work for me."

"I can help you with all of your needs - but I'm looking closer to $25/hr as $10 is entry level to work in a kitchen or something like that and with 20 years of experience my knowledge and experience is worth the price of admission."

I respond, "Thanks for your interest in the position but that's [25$ pr hr] over double what our budget is. If that's what you require, this opportunity isn't for you."

He replies, "I understand budgets and also know what my worth is to a company when I assist them."

Nice. Way to stay classy there with your attempt to bully me into hiring you even when I've said twice (once in the posting and once in my reply) that I can't afford such a rate. Hang on, let me think about this a little bit. For it to be worth it to me to hire you, you'd have to bring in -from the work you do- double your wages. So that's 50$ pr hr, 800$ pr week. How exactly will you be able to do that by editing photos and video, helping me with the scheduling and posting those updates on my sites and clips stores? You wont. That's why I'm hiring someone at a lower rate!

I just think it's incredibly egotistical to respond to a job posting with qualifications I'm not looking for, demanding a rate that's double what I posted. Perhaps in the future I would be looking to hire someone for higher level web work and search engine optimization but I would hire someone with experience in the adult industry and it certainly won't be this douche bag now.


anthony0358 said...

you are so right
I am sure that in this economy, someone with entry level experience would be willing to do the job

we have people at this non profit I work at donating their time to us

$10 bucks an hour is a decent rate for the work you require

Anonymous said...

Just before the industry collapsed in 2001, I was earning 6 figures per year. I had almost 12 years of IT support behind me, working with some of the largest multi-billion dollar companies in the country.

The only work I could get after the implosion, was as a security guard, and $9.25 an hour. I was happy to have it. When jobs started to appear again in the IT market, I could not get anywhere near what I earned in 1999-2000. I again, was happy for the 15 an hour I got.

Now, after 10 years of struggle, I'm finally back to making close to what I made before the bubble burst. It has been a long, hard pull to get there. But I learned one very important lesson.

Don't set your sights too high.

Your candidate, needs to stop blowing his own horn, and figure out what cost the market will bare. Especially for what I would assume is, "part time work"? We don't get to write our own paychecks any more. Those days are gone. Junior better figure that out, if he wants to work.

BTW, try posting a notice on the job board of you local community college or university. I'm sure you'd get several very talented applicant's through that route.

Good luck to you.

semi234 said...

Yeah, I see that a lot w/ traveling models (& I'm sure photographers do it to) fishing for a hire job.

Yeah, you may normally get X-amount of money doing B-kinda of content but some of us simply cannot come up w/ that on less than 48-hours notice to say nothing that the rates you could easily get in NYC aren't simply realistic for here in the boonies of Northern NY.

Its never a good sign into being bullied into doing something. I'm glad you passed on this guy as well.

Unknown said...

$10 an hour better be decent, that's what I'm earning right now for Tech Support.

Speaking of which, if by any chance you haven't filled this position shoot me an email at

I just saw this blog entry four months too late, but I'm great at photo editing and decent at web design, lots of experience on the backend with PHP and MySQL, less on the front with HTML/CSS, no experince with Flash or Shockwave but I could pick it up pretty quickly if need be.

Johnny Ringo said...

Good stuff. I have a friend that could help you at that rate if you are still looking. He is good. Email me at the Catfight Report if interested.