Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Models Pack

I am endlessly interested in the way things fit together and organize themselves so I find the way I pack my suitcase -as a model- really interesting so I like to share. I'm pretty sure that I've already talked about this, but I can totally do it again :) I practically get off on this shit.

In the first layer of packing things in the suitcase it's important to pack things around the spines in a way that allows things to move but not crush or break.

Step 1)Pack toiletries and curlers. I've had a ton of beauty items asplode so they're all in that little baggie. Minimum damage. Also, it's at the bottom of the bag (I shot lots of this upside down and I didn't feel like turning the photos over) I'm hoping that gravity will work with me in case things burst.

Step 2)Pack other things that need to be straight and protected, like corsets, in amongst the spines of the suitcase.

Step 3)If you pack the shoes like they came in the shoebox in the tightest, closest way you can you can fit more shoes. This is seven pairs of shoes. SEVEN. Oh, and I forgot my curler clips, so I put those on top of the curlers themselves.

Step 4)Pack in amongst the shoes small squishy things like panties and socks, bras. I love my little bra ball up there in the corner.

Step 5) Now we start the second layer, everything that needs to be folded fits in like puzzle pieces. Shirts, skirts, pants. This is half of one layer shot sideways to sort of show how it is all layered and shit.

Step 6) Now that the clothing is layered I add my running shoes and (in this case) a latex dress, carefully protected in its plastic bag.

Step 7) To bring small amounts of things to shoots and since my suitcase is basically always overweight (I'm maybe too efficient with the packing) I add this little canvas bag. I've had this bag since I was a kid going off to summer camp.

Step 8)Small stuff that I've forgotten to pack and then delicate things like pantyhose and stockings in bags go in the front pockets. And we're done!

*an after-note, this time my suitcase was 3 lbs overweight. That's two pairs of jeans and three dildoes. Aaand it's sad that I have it so much down to a science that I can tell you how much things like that generally weigh.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eeeheheheee! [pic nsfw]

Look what I got in the mail today!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Land of Opportunity

Falling asleep I realized that I hadn't packed lunch for work in the morning. I got out of bed, threw my flannel jammie top and padded down the hall to the kitchen. Looking in the refrigerator I noticed that the small remainder of a beautiful fruit bouquet I received for my birthday was looking piqued so I took it to the furnace room to dispose of it. Once there I saw that some pieces were still edible. Crouching over the compost bin I pulled the little fruits on sticks out of their foam, nibbling off all the little bits that didn't feel like hairless Chihuahua skin. Gnawing the innards out of a suede-y cantaloupe slice I fiddled with the decorative kale that had come packed around the sticks.

"I bet you I could boil this up and eat it!" I thought, immediately moving to take the kale I'd just thrown away out of the compost bin.

The pathetic nature of these thoughts and actions suddenly hit me. Recent college grad, 45$ in the bank, asking my roommate to hold the rent check so that I can deposit enough to cover it, squatting like Golum over the compost, eating old veggies and contemplating pulling more out of the moldy bin.

"Is this the land of exciting opportunities the graduation speaker promised me?" I mused aloud.

"I dunno," my roommate called from the other room, "but eating a fruit bouquet pantsless seems pretty damned decadent to me."

Thank you Esther for putting it into perspective.

Saturday, January 2, 2010