Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wren's America!

I have the day off because it's my birthday...well, because it's New Years. But it's also my birthday! Knowing workaholic me I can't just sit back and relax, I made a website. I have made myself a fan site so that I can link to something from family friendly sites and not get kicked off for being porn spam.

If you want to check it out, it's:

Holy crap! A link I made that I don't have to say NSFW after.

It's just a little site where ppl can keep up with me. Probably won't change more than once a week or so.


anthony0358 said...

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday!

Happy New Year !

I hope that 2010 brings you good health, joy, and great success

Anonymous said...

...and why are you SO luved? Who else could give such AMAZING gifts for yer birthday?