Saturday, August 21, 2010

How it should have ended

This comic strip (sorry, blurry iPhone photo) is basically just a preachy lecture about how Katie (the girl) can't keep the fawn Lucky b/c he's a "dangerous wild animal".

In the last panel she responds, "Not Lucky...He wouldn't hurt anybody, would you Lucky?"

It's so after school special you know that in the next few strips she'll gain valuable knowledge about wild animals through Lucky's wacky hijinks. Yet. The comic is drawn in that dramatic, Prince Caspian style so I read it as a cliff hanger instead of a pause.

"...would you Lucky?" dun dun DUN!

I really want it to be. It would be way better if the next comic has Katie withered away in bed w/Lyme disease. A lecture on deer ticks via jaundice would be way funnier than wacky hijinks.

And THAT'S how it SHOULD have ended.

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